Under Construction

Our publications

An overview of our publications, and access to those that are freely available on the web. Or order the printed publications.

Aetolian studies project

Work in progress

A selection of presentations, draft texts, databases and other materials being processed for publication

Maps of Aetolia

Colllection of historical maps of Aetolia in Central Greece


Project Photos

A selection of project photos since 1981

Unsolved Aetolian Mysteries and other short text fragments

During our research, we came across lots of "unsolved mysteries" concerning Aetolian history and geography. They are briefly described in our weblog. And who knows, perhaps you can help us out and know the answer to these riddles. For instance: what happened to the lost town of Lambina, that is known from maps and Ottoman tax registers in the 15th and 16th centuries, but which seems to have disappeared without a trace in the 17th century? And was there a Lake "Sorovitza" (or: Saurovitza), which appears on early 19th century maps east of Lake Trikhonis?

Interdisciplinary Project on the Habitation History of a Greek Region

The multi­dis­ciplinary Aetolian Studies Project aims to shed light on the history and genre de vie of a mountain region in Central Greece from prehistoric times until the modern period. The area under study, ‘Aetolia’, is named after the ancient Greek ethnos (people) of the Aetolians, who are mentioned as inhabitants of this landscape from the Iliad onward (ca. 8th-7th centuries BC) until Roman times. 

This website presents an overview of the results of the project so far and of work in progress. It provides background information on the project and what the Aetolian Studies team is working on, and gives references to a variety of publications and other sources of information, ranging from photographs to maps, databases, etc.