Under Construction

Aetolian studies project

Our publications on Aetolia

With a little help from our friends




  • Bakhuizen, S.C. `Veloukhovo (Kallion)', AD 32 (1977 = 1984): chr. 114-117.
  • Bakhuizen, S.C. `The Town Wall of Aitolian Kallipolis', in: S. Van de Maele and J.M. Fossey (eds.), Fortificationes Antiquae (Amsterdam, 1992): 171-184.
  • Bakhuizen, S.C. `Velouchovo-Kallipolis 1993', Pharos 2 (1994): 21-29.



  • Bakhuizen, S.C. Piece on the water pipeline of Veloukhovo-Kallipolis (almost finished)
  • Bakhuizen, S.C. Piece on the medieval acropolis of Veloukhovo-Kallipolis (almost finished)



  • Bommeljé, S., 1981, ‘Strouza (Aigition), Aetolia’,  Arch. Delt. 36 (1981 = 1988): Chron. 236-248. 
  • Bommeljé, S., 1988a, ‘Aetolian Studies Project’, Newsletter of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 1, 3-23.
  • Bommeljé, S., 1988b, ‘Aeolis in Aetolia’ Thuk. III.102.5 and the Origins of the Aetolian ethnos’, Historia 37 (1988): 297-316.
  • Bommeljé, S., 1990, ‘Aetolian Studies Project: Research in the Nomos Evrytania 1987-1990’, Newsletter of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 3, 34-47.
  • Bommeljé, S., 1992 ‘Southern Evrytania’, AD 42 (1987 = 1992): chr. 241-244.
  • Bommeljé, S., 2009, ‘Three Forts in s Sea of Mountains; The Lidoriki District and the Medieval History of Aetolia’, in: John Bintliff & Hanna Stöger (eds.), Medieval and Post-Medieval Greece; The Corfu Papers (Oxford 2009; BAR IS 2023): 1-13.



  • Bommeljé, S., 2009 Paper on Prehistoric Aetolia read in Athens for the NIA yearly convention
  • Bommeljé, S., 2012 Paper on ‘The mountains and the sea’; Aetolia as a case study of how to survey a Greek landscape I n a meaningful way – read at Leiden Univerity



  • Bommeljé, S., P.K. Doorn et al., Strouza Region Project: An Historical-Topographical Fieldwork: Interim Report, I-III (Utrecht, 1981-85).
  • Bommeljé, S., P.K. Doorn et al., Aetolia and the Aetolians. Towards the Interdisciplinary Study of a Greek Region, (Studia Aetolica I) (Utrecht, 1987).
  • Bommeljé, S., P.K. Doorn, ‘Urbanism in a non-urban context: the case of Aetolia (500 BC - AD 1950)’. Paper prepared for symposium ‘Urbanization processes in early historic Greece and Italy’, Ravenna, 26 September 1997. To be published in conference proceedings
  • Bommeljé, S., P.K. Doorn et al., An Inland Polity. The Spatial Organization and History of Eastern Aetolia, (Studia Aetolica II) (Utrecht, in prep.).
  • Bommeljé, S., P.K. Doorn et al., Aetolian Studies; Notes on the Geography, the History and the Antiquities of a Greek mountain region  (Studia Aetolica III) (Utrecht, in prep).


  • Bommeljé, S. and Vroom, J., 1995, ‘Deserted and untilled lands: Aetolia in Roman times’, Pharos. Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 3, 67-130.



  • Bommeljé, S. and Vroom, J., Piece on the finds in the Megas valley in Doris and the (pre)historical relevance of the archaeological finds at Sykea



  • Doorn, P.K. `Geographical Analysis of Early Modern Data in Ancient Historical Research: The Example of the Strouza Region Project in Central Greece', Trans.Inst.Br.Geogr. N.S. 10 (1985): 275-291.  
  • Doorn, P.K. `Opkomst en neergang van een perifeer berggebied: de provincie Doris in Centraal Griekenland', in: Nederlandse geografendagen april 1986 - artikelenbundel (Utrecht, 1986).
  • Doorn, P.K. `Population and Settlements in Central Greece: Computer Analysis of Ottoman Registers of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries', in: P. Denley, S. Fogelvik and Ch. Harvey (eds.), History and Computing, II (Manchester, 1989): 193-208.
  • Doorn, P.K. `Geographical Location and Interaction Models and the Reconstruction of Historical Settlement and Communication: The Example of Aetolia, Central Greece', Historical Social Research 18,3 (1993): 35-71.
  • Doorn, P.K. `Moderne herders, primitieve boeren: de fragmentarische modernisering van het Griekse platteland', in: H. Diederiks (ed.),  Het platteland in een veranderende wereld. Boeren en het proces van modernisering (Hilversum, 1994): 99-123.
  • Doorn, P.K. ‘Mapping the history of Aetolia, Central Greece: eight problems of coordinate files’ (paper presented at AHC-workshop ‘Coordinates for historical maps’, Florence, 13-14 mei 1994), in: M. Goerke (ed.), Coordinates for Historical Maps (St. Katharinen 1994): p. 49-67 (Halbgraue reihe zur historischen Fachinformatik A25).
  • Doorn, P.K. ‘Population and Settlement in Post-Medieval Doris, Central Greece’, in: John Bintliff & Hanna Stöger (eds.), Medieval and Post-Medieval Greece; The Corfu Papers (Oxford 2009; BAR IS 2023): 199-213.



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  • Doorn, P.K., L.S. Bommeljé, `Transhumance in Aetolia, Central Greece: a mountain economy caught between storage and mobility', Rivista di Studi Liguri 56,1 (1990 = 1991): 81-97.



  • Doorn, P.K., Y. Bommeljé, ‘The long and winding road: land routes in Aetolia since Byzantine times’, in: H. Kamersmans and K. Fennema (eds.), Interfacing the past: Computer applications and quantitative methods in Archaeology (Leiden 1995 = Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 28: p.343-351 (CAA95, Leiden University).



  • Vroom, J.A.C. `The Kastro of Veloukhovo (Kallion): a note on the surface finds', Pharos 1 (1993): 113-138.
  • Vroom, J.A.C. ‘Early Modern archaeology in Central Greece; The contrast of artefact-rich and sherdless sites’,  Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 11 (1998): 3-36.



  • Vroom, J.A.C. Piece on the Medieval ceramics found during the Aetolia survey.



  • Machiel KIEL, ‘The Central Greek District of Vitrinitsa (Tolophon) and the North Anatolian Town of Amasya in the 15th-17th Centuries According to Unknown and Rarely-Used Ottoman Turkish Sources’, ANATOLICA XXX  (2004):  219 -237.



  • Machiel KIEL Rumor has it that K. has a bunch of unpublished papers and/or pieces on Aetolian material.



Reports on the Aetolian Studies Project:

  • Bakhuizen, S.C. `Velouchovo-Kallipolis, 1988, a fieldwork report', Newsletter of the Netherlands School of Archaeology at Athens 2 (1989): 3-6.
  • Bakhuizen, S.C. `Veloukhovo 1991: a fieldwork report', Newsletter of the Netherlands School of Archaeology at Athens 4 (1991): 13-15.
  • Bommeljé, S. `Aetolian Studies Project', Newsletter of the Netherlands School of Archaeology at Athens 1 (1988): 3-23.
  • Bommeljé, S. `Aetolian Studies Project: research in the nomos Evrytania 1987-1990', Newsletter of the Netherlands School of Archaeology at Athens 3 (1990): 77-86.
  • Catling, H.W., `Strouza (Aigition)', AR 30 (1984): 37.
  • Catling, H.W., `Strouza', AR 31 (1985): 34.
  • Pandos, P.A., `Evrytania', AD 43 (1988 = 1993): chr. 235.


Notes on the Aetolian Studies Project in:

  • Rutter, J.B., `Review of Aegean Prehistory II: The Prepalatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland', AJA 97 (1993): 745-796 (esp. 748-753, fig. 2).
  • Susan Alcock, Graecia Capta (pp. 35, 47-8, figs. 49-50)
  • Ian Morris, Classical Greece (pp. 176, 179).